THank's for u all..

Sunday, May 10, 2009 4:14 PM by one's - tox's

i really want to say THANK's for u all,..

gusti, betha, ayu, aulia, nanda dan tammi,... cuz you believed to me that i can fully help you on your assignment... and i promise i will hel you until i be able to help you all, always. i promise..
because you are my student(hehehehhehe, dak sius, sius jugo boleh).,,,
awalnya aku hilang kemampuan, nggak percaya karena there are something reason,,, i breakdown before that. for begin, aku nggak percaya, tapi mereka aja percaya klo aku bisa melewatinyaa...

and i only say Thank's for u all

about the future,,, i suggested you to studied together with mee,, klo mau sihh..

AKM 2 oke juga, SIA boleh juga, masih jalan , AKL ntar boleh jugaa,

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